Planning an athletic stadium. Competition and construction categories (Class)
18. August 2020
CONICA: Everything you need to know when choosing an athletics track.
World Athletics (WA) establishes a series of competition categories for different events. In accordance with World Athletics Track and Field Facilities Manual, which we started to examine in the previous article, we can thus distinguish between the following competition categories:
- Category 1 competition: World Championships and Olympic Games
- Category 2 competition: Regional, national, and group leagues and championships
- Category 3 competition: Continental, regional and divisional cups
- Category 4 competition: Competitions
- Category 5 competition: International meetings authorised by World Athletics
- Category 6 competition: International meetings authorised by regional associations
- Category 7 competition: Other meetings authorised by regional and national championships
- Category 8 competition: Combined events
- Category 9 competition: Other national competitions
Each of these competition categories regulates the maximum number of athletes, officials and assistants allowed on the surface at the same time and the duration in days for each of the planned events.
As you will see, although there are numerous competition categories, they still do NOT include the facility construction classes or categories. What World Athletics (WA) does indicate in its manual is the type of facility category that is requested for each competition category. Here, at last, we will find out what we are going to need in our facility depending on the type of event planned.
The facility categories cover five different levels and this, finally, is what is referred to as CLASSES: CLASS 1 to 5. For each competition category, as mentioned above, World Athletics (WA) recommends a facility category or CLASS for the sports venue. In other words, the facility in which the event is going to take place has to be certified under a certain class.
Thus, Category 1 competitions require a Category or Class 1 facility. Category 2 competitions require at least a Category or Class 2 facility. These are the two most demanding and recognised competition and thus facility categories, as well as being the only categories with an official World Athletics (WA) certificate.
Next, Category 3 to 6 competitions require at least a Category or Class 3 facility. Category 7 to 8 competitions require at least a Category or Class 4 facility and, finally, category 9 competitions require at least a Category or Class 5 facility.
Three basic concepts from this chapter:
- There are nine competition categories, as listed in the World Athletics Track and Field Facilities Manual.
- Each competition category must be developed on the basis of a facility with a specific facility category. The facility categories or CLASSES encompass five levels
- Class 1 or Class 2 Facility Categories must be certified by World Athletics (WA)
In the next chapter, we will examine the type of discipline and number of facilities a sports venue must have in order to qualify as a Class 1 or Class 2 facility.
If in the meantime you are interested in learning more about CONICA’s systems for athletics tracks, please feel free to contact us or have a look at our Website:
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